Starfish Key Chain

At LSI, this key holder is handed to each child by the principal at the entrance ceremony when they move from Turtle class (2-year-olds) to Starfish class (3-6-year-olds).
Actually, this key holder is not yet completed.
Three years later, at the graduation ceremony, a hole in the bottom of the key chain will have a proof that the children have successfully completed the Starfish curriculum.
The key chain will then become a shining star for the first time.
Until then, it will be a star that watches over the children’s growth.
LSIでは、2歳児クラスのTurtle classから3~6歳児クラスのStarfish classに進級する入園式で、このキーホールダーが園長から子どもたち一人一人に手渡されます。