

Know the real thing, and then open up a new world

2021.06.09 ブログ

As part of our educational program to nurture rich sensitivity and creativity, LSI has been working with the Chigasaki Art Museum, located next door, to show children real works of art. The other day, the children of Starfish (a class for children aged 3 to 6 years old) had the opportunity to view the work of Michiko Fujita. Using yarn, fabric, beads, pieces of wood, and ribbons as materials, the children commented one after another, “Beautiful!” and I enjoyed it!” After viewing the exhibition, the children were still excited and their words showed that their inquisitive minds and observational skills had indeed been stimulated. We hope that this experience will become a driving force for them to know the real thing, and then open a new world.”

LSIでは、豊かな感性や創造性を育てる教育の一環として、隣接する茅ヶ崎美術館さんの協力の下、子どもたちに本物の芸術作品を見せる教育を行っています。先日も、Starfish(満3歳~6歳児のクラス)の子どもたちが、藤田道子さんの作品を鑑賞してまいりました。糸、布、ビーズ、木片やリボンを素材とした空間展示に、子どもたちは”Beautiful!”, “I enjoyed it!”など、次々に感想を述べてくれました。鑑賞後の興奮冷めやらぬその言葉には、確かに子どもたちの探求心や観察力が刺激されたことがうかがえます。こういった経験が、「本物を知り新しい世界を切り開く」原動力となってくれることを願っています。